About Me

Hello Everyone, Thanks for visiting my blog. First let me introduce myselft, My name is Filfimo Yulfiz Ahsanul Hulqi. You guys can call me Fimo. I'm Informatics Student at Institute Technology Telkom Purwokerto.

After years learning Computer Things i finally decided to create a blog. I know it's not related with my study background, like "Hey everyone can create Blog, even ordinary person without computer background can create it, you idiot!".

Calm down sir, let me finish my talking, i mean my writing. So why i decided to create Blog recently, because i realized the impact of writing in my life.

"So what article or post do you want to write?"
I will write about my interesting story about my life, study journey, review some game that i played, review some anime (weebs), and the main is to share about computer things, some tutorial about software, framework, tools, etc. I inspired by my role model on Facebook, i really admire his writing about computer things.